Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Don't forget to stop and smell the flowers

Yesterday, Aaron, Alli and I had lunch in downtown Springfield. After our lunch we put Alli back in the car seat and were going to head on our way and do what ever our busy lives had us doing next, when Aaron turned and saw a fountain about a block and a half away. Alli loves water, so we decided to take her back out of the car seat and walk over and see the fountain. She really like it. As we were leaving we saw some flowers. Aaron was trying to get her to smell them, but she kept trying to eat them. It was funny. The last picture here looks like Aaron stuck the flower in her nose, but that was just the picture angle, which made the picture even better.
We tend to just run, run, run wherever the day takes us, it was very nice yesterday to take moment just to stop and enjoy the day as a family.

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