Thursday, October 23, 2008


Here are a few pictures that our friend Keri took of Alli. I will post later, I just wanted to give you a preview.
She is upset in the one picture because she wanted to eat the stem of the pumpkin, but it kept poking her. Those darn pumpkins!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The "Long Bike"

The "Long Bike"...We had some friends of ours kids over this past weekend. Alec & Brady helped Aaron work on his motor for the TransAm, we played Mouse Trap and went for a few bike rides. Brady (the youngest) really liked the "Long Bike" so much that he had to try out every seat. He was funny. This was also the 1st time that I have ever seen Aaron ride in the middle. All 3 boys seemed to have a really good time. Alli, Julie (Alec & Brady's Mom) and I watched from the side, those boys were being WAY to silly for us. When it was time for the boys to leave Aaron and Alli waved bye-bye. After they left I recevied a message from Julie saying that the boys were fast asleep, and Aaron wasn't to far behind them. They all wore eachother out...Its good for them, we hope to have them over again soon.