Thursday, July 30, 2009

Alli & Malari Match =)

A friend of ours got the girls matching outfits, so here they are looking just as cute as can be!!!!

We went to the St. Louis Zoo

Here are a few pics from our trip to the St. Louis Zoo a couple of weeks ago. We went with some friends and their kids and some other friends of theirs & their kids. Total there ended up being 17 of us. We all had a good time, but I got to visiting with everyone and didn't take many pictures at here is what I do have.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

We went to the Zoo on Thursday

I was feeling pretty good, so on Thursday we went to the Henson Robinson Zoo in Springfield. Alli had a good time. She got to pet a donkey, a sheep and a goat. She thought that was pretty neat. Malari slept the whole time, so we were able to stay at the zoo and enjoy it for a couple of hours.

We went to the park on Friday

Since Aaron had a weeks vacation when Malari was born we decided to do some fun things with the girls. We went to the park on Friday with some friends of ours who have a 1 year old. Kameron & Alli always have fun playing together. The 1st picture is Alli showing her sister off to Kameron.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Who's Who???

Everyone keeps asking us if Alli & Malari look alike, so we thought we would let you be the judge. Some people say yes and others no. Here are pictures of both of them the day they were born...who's who??? No cheating!!!!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Alli & Malari

Alli is adjusting very well to being a big sister. She really enjoys helping where she can and holding Malari. She loves to give her hugs and kisses too.

We had lots of visitors...

We had proud grandma's & grandpa's, a great grandma & a great grandpa. There were also proud Uncle's, cousins & friends that were able to join us. Unfortunatly we did not get pictures of everyone, but we did enjoy having everyone visit. We can't wait to get Malari to see the rest of our family and friends who weren't able to make it to the hospital.